Friday, September 18, 2009

Feeling Ill

Well, on Wednesday night I was watching TV with big S when I suddenly thought 'the reason I'm so tired and grumpy is because I have man-cold, and I can prove it because of my now aching throat'.

Thursday was a hard day. First little t woke at 4:50 - I managed to lull him to sleep by 5:20 - then we were both grumpy and tired all day long, and my throat wasn't getting any better.

I spent the whole day trying to handle him as little as possible, and keep my hands clean and so on, but how does the primary carer _not_ pass on their highly contagious disease to their caree?

I forced myself to go out in the middle of the day, because I always feel worse if I don't, which gave t a chance to have another nap, which meant he was wide awake and ready for play when we got back - and I was tired and wanted to sleep!

Food went well, but that's about all. He ate all his breakfast (apple and pear, yum) and, with a little convincing, got through all lunch too (carrot and butternut squash/pumpkin, not so yum).

When big S got home from work I handed him over and went and collapsed on the bed - delicious, and thank you Mum!

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