Friday, September 11, 2009

Second, urm, whoopsi

But first - the first whoopsi turned out to not be a whoopsi. For some reason Big S's milk smells like that after freezing. (Very faintly before, but strongly after). So I'm not in trouble :) I now give little t 3.5 ounces in the morning and 3.5 in the afternoon, followed by formula. This way he takes it all, without wasting that precious real milk.

On Wednesday though, I was cutting little t's nails with the clippers for the first time, ordinarily I use my teeth. I chopped an enormous chunk of the tip of his thumb off and boy did he cry! (understandably) I managed to distract him surprisingly easily (with previously mentioned remote) but that didn't stop the blood!

In the end I called Big S and she recommended gauze (which I couldn't find) and then a band aid (funny how obvious things aren't always so obvious). The band aid stayed on for a surprisingly long time, about 30 minutes, which was long enough to staunch the blood.

So he now has a big scab on his thumb. The only consolation is that when Big S did the same thing when he was 3 weeks old, it got all infected and stuff, so I win!

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